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                             CHARLES SCHNEIKRAUT            
                                   Attorney at Law
                                  16 Court Street
                            TEL.Triangle 5-4740-4741
                                       February 4th,1937.
Hon. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear President Roosevelt:
                 I  thank  you very much for your letter of
February 1st.
                I  enclose, herein a copy of petition which
I have this day sent to Mr.John M. Hackett to be executed by
him as one of the Executors of  your brother's Estate.
                 I   also   enclose herein a consent 
where-in your mother and yourself join in the prayer for
relief contained in the petition, which consent is to be
signed by yourself and one of the Trustees of the Trust created
for your mother, under the Will of your father. It will be
sufficient for you to verify this consent.
               It is my understanding that under your
father's Will, one-third of the residue was revised to your
brother, one-third to yourself when you attain the age of 21
years and one-third to the Trustees for the the benefit of your
               Upon receipt of the petition from Mr. Hackett
and the consent from you, I will move for the collection of
the award.
                                   Respectfully yours,
                                 [signed] Charles Schneikraut
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