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                        Henry T. Hackett
                   Attorney & Counsellor at Law
                        226 Union Street
                    Poughkeepsie   New York
                                        Sept. 24th, 1937.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Hyde Park
Dutchess County, N.Y.
Dear Franklin:
               I have just been informed by the Trustees of
the Thomas Newbold estate that htey are willing to consider
an offer for the Hughson farm. This farm consists of about 90
acres of land and is assessed at $1900. and was appraised at
$3500.in the tax proceeding in the Thomas Newbold estates. I think
the property is worth about $5,000.
               Kindly let me know if you would care to make an
offer and, if so, I will take it up with the Trustees and
see how I make out with them.
              With kindest regards, I am
                                       Sincerely yours,
                                      [Henry T. Hackett]
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