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                   HENRY T. HACKETT
                   226 UNION STREET
               POUGHKEEPSIE,  NEW YORK
                                         Nov. 12th, 1937.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Franklin:
                                 Engelhardt stopped here
this afternoon on his way to Purdy, Westchester Co., N.Y.
to tell me that he would send me some figures for me to
forward to you forelectrical workto be done in the Hughson
                                The closing of the title
to the Hughson and Dumphy farms is being held up until I
can ascertain in what name Mrs. Backer desires to take title
to the part of the Dumphyfarm sheis going to purchase.
                                With kindest regards, I  am
                                      Sincerely yours,
                                     [Henry T. Hackett]
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