Text Version

                    The description by metes and bounds of
the west line of the land purchased by President Roosevelt
from the Trustees ofthe estate of Thomas Newbold in the year
1935, which said line is to be the eastline or rear line of
the land Mrs. Backer is purchasing, is as follows:
                    Beginning at a corner of walls, said
corner being in the north line of land now owned by 
PresidentRoosevelt purchased by him from Bennett and being
also the southwest corner of saidland purchased by the
President from the Trustees of the Newbold estate in
1935 andsaid corner being also the southeast corneroftheland
to be conveyed by the President to Mrs. Backer; thence north
15x 54' east50 feetto ledge; thence north 14' 30' West 22.0
feet; thence along a wall north 43~ 53' west 24.5 feet; thence
north 15~36' west 29.5 feet; thencealong a wall north 25x 05'
west 112.66 feet;thence north 9~20' west51.25 feet to a cairn;
thence north 12x 40' west 129.4 feetto an angle in a wall; 
thence north 17~ 06' west 120.67 fee~;thence north 23x 21' west
40.16 feet to an angle in a wall;thence north16 4' west along
a wall 172.56 feet to an angle in a wall; thence north 6*
49' west 221.55 feet to a tree; thence north 0'06' east130.22
feet to a corner of walls, said corner being the northwest
corner of land purchased by President Roosevelt from the 
Trustees of the Newbold  estate in 1935, and said corner being
 also the northeastcorner of land to be conveyed by the 
President to Mrs. Backer,said cornerbeing also in  the south
line of the Hughson farm and being also 1885.8 feet easterly
 from the easterly line of Violet Avenue as measured along a
wall and range thereof.
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