November,28, 1937 Dear Charlie: It is all right for you to go ahead with the installing of the electrical work in the Hughson farm house on VanWagnerRoad in accordance wlth your estimate of seventy-five dollars and additional outlets of two dollars and seventy-five cents. I take it that you and Mrs. Engelhardt are installed at Purdy and wouldn't want to make any change this winter,especially in view of the fact that the house would have to be cleaned, repalred, etc., and therefore that you would do the work by going up there from Purdy for a few days. This perhaps is better because until I get back in the Spring, it will be difficult for me to decide on whatitis necessary to do about the house and barn. Very sincerely yours, Charles Englehardt,Esq., Purdy, New York. fdr/tmb |