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                 HENRY T.HACKETT                                 
                 226 UNION STREET                                         
                                       December2nd, 1937.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D. C.
Dear Franklin:
                                  Yours of November 28th
containing deed executed by you to Mrs. Backer received.
Mrs. Backer as yet
has not sent me any check. Until the title is closed I do
not think we should disturb William Birch. As soon as it
is closed I will see him and arrange so that Engelhardt
can wire the house.
                                 I inserted the clause
relating to the rights ofthe Telephone and the Central
Hudson  Gas & Elec. Companiesin order to protect you
if they have any pole right agreements.
                                 I am writing to the
American Tel. & Tel. Company to obtain a copyof any
agreement which they may have as there are none on record
here.The Cen. Hud. Gas & Elec.Corp. has a power line across
the Dumphy farm west of Violet Avenue and I am writing them
to obtain a copy of any agreement they may have in reference
to the powerline or pole rights.
                                With kindest regards, I am
                                     Sincerely yours,
                                   [Henry T. Hackett]
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