Text Version

                                          January 6, 1938.
         Dear Henry:-
                        The only way to apportion the Hicks 
         rent of $25.00 a month between me and Mrs. Backer
         ls to do a "rule of thumb." He uses the barns on 
         my side of the road very 11ttle, and during the
         winter does not use the fields at all. I would
         suggest, therefore, that between now and April,
         when his lease is up, he should pay $20.00 to
         Mrs. Backer and $5.00 to me each month. Of course,
         I assume he will not take any, wood out of my woods
         on the west side. If he does this, I should get
         a larger proportion of the rent.
                        Some day when you are driving past
         Moses Smith's place you might ask Moses if he
         wants to start using the two flelds north of me
         on the Hughson place on the west side of the
         road this Spring as soon as the Hicks' lease is
         up, and also what he would do with the barn and'
         shed. As a matter of fact, I have, as you know,
         taken away from Moses a good deal of land 
         suitable for pasture and put it into spruce trees.
         Therefore, I am inclined to think that Moses
         should have the use of the two Hughson fields.
         He should, however, be responsible for maintaining
         the condition of the barn and shed. He told me
         that he thought he would want to keep his young
         oattle in the Hughson barn.
                        The last time I saw Moses he told me
         he is again in a positlon to pay the rent. Good   
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