HENRY T. HACKETT ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW 226 UNION STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK Jan. 18th, 1938. Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt The White House Washington, D.C. Dear Franklin: I thought that I had all your taxes paid but found out this morning that the 13.7 acres you purchased from Wright have not been attended to. His farm of 80 acres is assessed for the land value at $1500. or at $18.75 per acre, without buildings. The 13.7 acres at $18.75 per acre would make an assessment of $256.87. The tax on this assessment at $28.83 per thousand would be $7.41 plus 1% coilactor's fee. I do not think that Wright pays his taxes very promptly, so I will wait until just before the l% period expires on Feb. 6th and see what I can do with him about them. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, [Henry T. Hackett] |