Text Version

                                        January 13, 1938
          Dear Henry:-
                         I think your auggestion of the ap-
           portionment of the taxes on the Dumphy farm on
           the basis of two-fifths and three-fifths is      
                     Incidentally, on the assesssent for the
           coming year, don't you think we could suggest
           to the assessors that t~he same ratio should
           on the present assessed valuation without any
           increase in the total? I think also the assessors
           Should know that I propose no improvements on    
           my part of the Dumphy farm, but will continue to  
           use my part of it for farming and for growing
           In the case of the Hughson farm you might tell
           them that there also I propose no real           
           improvements- except to make needed repairs and
           painting on the house and to bring in electric           
           light from the road. In regard to the land on the
           Hughson farm, that will be put into trees -- an  
           operation which is made possible by keeplng the   
           taxes comparatively low.
                                    As ever yours,
            Henry T. Hackett, Esq.,
            226 Union Street,
            New York.
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