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 Form 9~A&L
               RALPH p, FOLSOM, M.D.
                State of  New York
            Departmentof Mental Hygiene
                Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
                                       February 23, 1938
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Hyde Park, N.Y.
Dear President Roosevelt:
                                     I wish to acknowledge
receipt of your letter of February 21st in which was
enclosed two letters, one written by Mr. S. F. Hamilton,
and the other which wasespecially informative and which was
not signed, addressed to Mr. Henry.T.Hackett, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
                                     I was very muchinterasted
in the past history of the attempts to keep the post highway 
between Poughkeepsie and  Hyde Park free from poles or other
obstruction which would mar the  landscape. I certainly am
in accord with the views expressed that everyone interested
should unite in an effort to prevent the marring  of the
scenery along this stretch of road.
                                     Thanking you forcalling
my attention to the matter, I am
                                         Yours Sincerely,
                                        [Ralph P. Folsom]
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