Text Version

                                Albany, N.Y., January 7,1938
Mr. Henry T. Hackett, Attorney and Counselor at Law,
226 Union Street,
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Hackett:
               In the interest of improved telephone servlce
the New York Telephone Companyny is desirous of placing
telephone poles and cable with the necessary guy wires and
anchors along the Poughkeepsie- Hyde Park highway #453 in
front of the James Roosevelt and Rogers' estates. Before
proceeding with the work, however,we would like to
determine the feelings of the abutting property owners
regarding the project.
               Since it is our understanding that you
represent these estates, we are ,writing to request that you
get their opinions concerning the matter. While I believe
enclosed print of which  there are three copies, will give
you the necessary details of our plan, we should be very
glad to furnish any further information you may desire.
                Please except our sincere thanks for your
cooperation in this matter.
                              Very truly yours,
                         (signed)S. F. Hamilton
                              Right-of-Way Supervisor
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