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Mrs.George Backer
944 Fifth Avenue
New York, N.Y.
                                   November 18, 1937,
Dear Mr. President:
                        As soon as the final deed to the
property at Hyde Park arrives, I will get in touch with Mr.
Hicks who has a lease on the place until April 30, and
let him know my plans.
                        I am very excited about the little
old house and am eager to reclaim it. Many thanks for your
offer of trees. I quite agree with you that it is much more
fun to plant little trees and watch them grow.
                        When I was in Hyde Park in
September, I met Henry Toombs and had a long talk with him.
I was very
much impressed with him because he understood so well the
type of house we want, We will surely have him as our
                        I am waiting to hear what can be
done about renting or selling the Oyster Bay property. I
don't dare start building until I know for certain that we
can get rid of our "white elephant".
                        Many, many thanks for the interest
you are taking in our place. I can't tell you how thrilled
and grateful we are.
                                        Very sincerely
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt,
President of the United States,
The White House,
Washington, D.C.
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