HENRY T, HACKETT ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW 226 UNION STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK March 18th 1938, Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt The White House Washington, D.C. Dear Franklin:- Replying to yours of the 15th inst, the Pleasant Valley wood-lot is described in a Deed from John R.Keech, Referee, to James Roosevelt, dated April 10th 1897 and recorded in Liber 293 of Deeds at page 190 in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office. The area is stated in the Deed as 10 1/4 acres more or less. I believe that it is located on the outlet of Tyrrell Lake at some distance east of the proposed Parkway. I had expected to obtain some accruate information as to its location from Deyo Bennett a brother of Willet Bennett, but this morning I learned that he had died last Winter. I will now try to find some one else who knows that country. As to the Lent wood-lot, I am having a man run down all conveyances out of David B. Lent from 1825 to the time of his death in 1869 to ascertain if he died seized of it. He was one of the largest land owners of his time and therefore there are a large number of deeds to be examined. I understand that he left him surviving a widow and seven sons and daughters all of whom are now dead though there are a number of grandchildren living. I am sure that whoever does own it/will want to see it before signing off. Therefore, I think that it would be well to try to buy out Wyatt Jones who ownes the land to the north before taking any strangers in there to look over the scenery, as they might get some ideas of their own if Jones were still there. Kindly let me know what you think about it. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours [Henry T. Hackett] |