April 16,1938 Dear Henry:- I am glad to have yours of April fourteenth and to know that you had shown Plog the stakes in the Wright farm and also the land and buildings on the Jones and Schaffer places. In regard to the proposal, I am in entire agreement. Offer Schaffer $800 for the wood lot,including all wood - he to give Jones a quit-claim deed of parcel No. 3 to correct the title. Offer Jones $2,500 for the three parcels without the dance hall, two pig pens and shack,on condition that I buy Schaffer's wood lot and get the quit-claim deed of parcel No. 3 from Schaffer.The quicker we close this up the better,as the plans are actually drawn for the little stone cottage on top of the hill, south of the Jones place. I hope, too, that you have been able to corral some of the Winne heirs to the wood lot east of the hill. In regard to William Birch, I see no reason why he should not stay on in the Hughson farm house, ae he likes it there and I have nobody in mind to put into that house this summer. I have heard nothing from the Englehardts. You could, tell William Birch that he can stay on and that I will give him at least a month's notice before making any change. I am returning the Blue print herewith. As ever yours, Henry T. Hackett, Esq., 226 Union Street Poughkeepsie,. N.Y. |