Text Version

                          April 28, 1938.
Dear Henry:-
                I am glad you have signed up Jones and his
wife and I hope Schaffer will come through.
                 In regard to William Birch, I see no reason
why he should have to move out just because Englehardt wire 
the house. Asfar as I know Englehardt and his wife have no
intention of moving into the house.
                 I am entirely willing under these
circumstances to let Bill Birch continue to live there until
something else turns up.
                That is a curious development in regard to
the Lent wood lot. If Franklin Townsend Lent is really the 
owner and livesin Canada,I still think we ought to make some
effort to get an offerfrom his orwhoever the real owners are.
The reason is that it is sureto leak outtoward the end of May
that I am thinking o fputting up asmall stone house on topyof
the hill. When I get to Hyde Park the weekend of May twenty-
second or the weekend of May twenty-ninth. I am getting a
well-digger to look over the possibility of a water supply
on top of the hill. The site of the house in the woods on
top of hte hillis so very close to the wood lot before 
people know about the house.
                              As ever yours,
Henry T. Hackett, Esq.,
226 Union Street
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
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