HENRY T. HACKETT ATTORNEY& COUNSELLOR AT LAW 226 UNION STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK April 23rd, 1938. Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt The White House Washington, D.C. Dear Franklin:- WyattJones and his wife have just signed a contract to sell the three parcels of land for$2500. I paid him $25.on signing the contract and the balance is to be paid on the delivery of the deed on June 1st. Jones reserves the frame shack and two frame pig pens which he is to remove within thirty days afterthedelivery of the deed.He also reserves the dance hall which he wants untilNov. 1st to remove. I have agreed to that with the provision in writing that it shallnot be occupied or used for any purpose in the mean -time. Monday I will see what I can do with Schaffer.Englehardt has written me that he is ready to go to workwiring the Hughson house when William Birch vacates it.Birch is still there. The records of the Dutchess County Clerk's Office show that Franklin Townsend Lent of Ganonogue, Ontario, Canada isthe last owner of record ofthe Lent wood lot. I would like to talk withyou personally about thst matter before trying to do any business with him, if he is alive. With kindest regards, Iam Sincerely yours, [Henry T.Hackett] |