C 0 P Y PeokhamRoad Poughkeepsie Apr. 24th, 1938 President Roosevelt, I was up to Mr. Gilbert's last week, to see about my ladder and tools. I left them in his garage last fall. Ibuilt new gutters on the front and back of his house, and had my son put new tin on. While I was there, I went in to see Moore, and went over the house and barn. On the front of the house, the gable and gutter are all rotton sagging down, and the tin must be in bad shape to rotton the wood. I figured the house with the bestof paint stockandalland guarantee you a first class job over all$196.69 two coats. I figured the big barn two coats ofthe best paint overall and roof red roof paint.I also guarantee you a firstclass job over all. $208.61 I will complete both buildings for the sum of $4O0. $196.09 208.61 ........................ $405.30 The house was in cream color. The return on the North side is the fane rotton (?). If I am lucky to get your painting I will do all repairs, as reasonable as I can. My son will do the tin work if any for me. He is a tinsmith. I put new gables and gutters on a house 188 Smith St.,Poughkeepsie for the Home Loan, and painted the house. I thought as my tools was near, I would let you know. |