HENRY T. HACKETT ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW 226 UNION STREET POUGHKEEPSIE NEW YORK May 2nd, 1938. Miss M. A. LeHand The White House Washington, D. C. Dear Miss Le Hand: I acknowledge receipt of yourletter of April 29th containing checkto myorderfor $2,500. to close the Jonestransaction. Please tell the President that I have just received word from Canada that Franklin Townsend Lent, the last ownerof record of the Lent wood lot between the Dumphy and Winne farms,died a number of years ago and that his family moved to Sterling, Mass. I am now trying to get in touch with the family at Sterling and will let him know as soon as I hear something about them. With kingest regards, Yours very truly, [Henry T.Hackett] |