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                                      April 28th, 1938.
Franklin Townsend Lent, Esq.,
Ontario, Canada.
Dear Sir:
                       The records of the Dutchess County
Clerk's Office show that you are the last owner of record
of a wood lot lying between the Dumphy farm fronting on
Violet Avenue, formerly known asCreek Road,and the Winne
farm fronting on Cream Street in the Town ofHyde Park,
Dutchess County, N.Y. It appears that most of the timber
has been cut off of this lot within the last twenty years
so that it is now covered with bushesand small brush.
Will you kindly let me know if you care to sell this lot,
and if so how much you want for it.
                                  Very truly yours,
                           (signed) Henry T. Hackett
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