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                   HENRY T. HACKETT             
                   226 UNION  STREET                     
                POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK 
                                      April 26th, 1938.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Franklin:
              Edward Schaffer and his wife have just signed
a contract to sell. his wood lot for $800.,which includes 
the wood and they have also agreed to execute a  quit-claim 
deed to clear up the title to Jones' parcel number 3 and  to
convey the fee of the road running through the Jones
property. I paid him $25. on signing of the contract and the
balance is to be paid on the delivery of the deed on June 1st.
              They will have to obtain releases from the
Federal Land Bank at Springfield for the first mortgage and from
Mrs.Balga for the second mortgage. As the Balga mortgage
standsin the name of Mrs. Balga, who is dead, and no proceeding have
been had on his estate it will be necessary to have Mrs. Balga 
appointed Administratrix in order to execute the release, 
which may cause a slight delay.
              Hoping this will be satisfactory to you, I am
                                         Sincerely yours,
                                        [Henry T.Hackett]
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