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                      HENRY T.HACKETT
                      226UNION STREET
                  POUGHKEEPSIE,NEW YORK
                                         May 13th, 1938.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Franklin:
                                 I acknowledge receipt of
your check for $800. to close the Schaffer purchase.I hope
to be able to close both the Jones and Schaffer purchases
some time next week.
                                The Lent wood lot has never
been assessed on the tax roll of the Town of HydeParkasfar 
as I know and I do not believe there are more than five or
six persons who know of its existence.
                                I have at last located the
widow of Franklin Townsend Lent, who was his second wife,
and she informs me that he died on Dec. 3rd,1919 at Sterling,
Mass.  I am now writing to the Court to obtain a copyofhis 
Will so I can find out who his residuary legatee wasas I do
not believe that he specifically devised this lot to any one.
                               I will stop and see Bill
Birch and find out what the situation is. ,after you acquire
title to the Jones property we might persuade Birch to
move into  that house.
                               With kindest regards, I am
                                          Sincerely yours,
                                         [Henry T.Hackett]
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