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                       HENRY T. HACKETT             
                      226 UNION  STREET                     
                    POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK 
                                           May 10th, 1938.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Franklin:-
             The Federal Land Bank of Springfield has agreed
to release the Scbaffer land without any payment on account 
of principal and their release is now in the possession of 
their local representative. 
             I am informed that Letters of Administration 
will be granted to Mrs.Balga this afternoon, so that we will
soon be ready to close the Schaffer matter.
             Please send me $800. to close his matter.
I have been informed by the Postmaster at Gananoque,
Ontario,Canada that Franklin Townsend Lent has been dead for
many years and the last known address of his family wasSterling,
             I have examined the Lent Genealogy at the
Adriance Library, Poughkeepsie and found the following:
           "Frank Townsend Lent born March 3,1855 was son of 
David B.and Louisa M. Lent - He married Sara daughter of Rev.
John DeWitt D. D. of New Brunswick, N.J.
            John DeWitt - born November 3,1881
            Rose DeWitt - "    July 18, 1883
            Charlotte Elliot - born Feb. 6,1886
            Harriet DeWitt - born Sept. 18,1892 
            Theodore DeWitt - born May 17,1894"
            I have written to Nelson Burton Lent at
Newburgh,N.Y., the author of the genealogy published in 1903
but have received no reply.
            Twice I have written to the Postmaster at
Sterling,Mass., Mrs. Alice Fitzgerald, for information aboutthe
Lentfamily and each time was informed by her that "a letter
addressed to Lent will be delivered". 'Therefore,I wrote to each of
the sons at Sterling, Mass. but as yet have received no reply.
            I shall continue my search for the Lent heirs.
                                    Sincerely yours,
                                    [Henry T. Hackett]
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