September 30, 1938. Dear Henry:- Thank you for the enclosed letters. I do hope we can get Deane Lent's interest in the Lent woodlot. I am returning the letters herewith. The deeds from me to Mrs. Backer and from her to me are entirely satisfactory and I am sending them both back to you -- mine duly signed -- and I think it is better that you should send Mrs. Backer's deed to her to sign. Incidentally, I sincerely hope you are sending her a bill for legal services. You have not nearly enough Scotch and dutch blood in your veins -- let alone Hebrew! I hope that Mr. O'Luhosch put in a line of stakes on the new boundary between Mrs. Backer and me so that I can run a wire fence. I note that the surveyor figures twenty-seven acres in the land deeded by me to Mrs. Backer. Would you ask him to give us the acreage in the remaining part of the Jones farm which I still retain? It ought to be in five acres, I think, though it may be a little less. Always sincerely, Henry T. Hackett, Esq., 226 Union Street, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (Enclosures) |