HENRY T. HACKETT ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW 226 UNION STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK Sept. 21st, 1938. Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt The White House Washington, D. C. Dear Franklin: Your letter of Sept. 17th received. I have had Mr. Luckey increase the total insurance on the cottage on Dutchess Hill to $15,000. I am enclosing herewith a copy of the last letter received by Hatfield from Deane Lent and also a copy of Hatfield's reply. I am very anxious to get a deed to some part of the wood lot. Enclosed herewith is a proposed deed from you to Mrs. Backer of that part of the Jones property lying east of a line drawn from the northeast corner of the Lent wood lot to the northeast corner of the Hughson farm. It seems that this corner is about three hundred feet further west than where William Plog and I thought it was the day we measured the north line of the Lent wood lot. Therefore, all of the buildings on the Jones property are on the part you are going to convey to Mrs.Backer. If the deed is satisfactory, please sign and acknowledge it before a Notary Public and return it to me and I will notify Mrs. Backer that I have it. Also enclosed herewith is a map of the survey of this property showing the part you are to convey to Mrs. Backer enclosed within the red lines. I am also enclosing a proposed deed from Mrs. Backer to you of the Dumphy farm for your examination, which, if satisfactory, you may send to her direct to be executed or return it to me, whichever you wish to do. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, Henry T. Hackett |