HENRY T. HACKETT ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW 226 UNION STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK 0ct. 3rd, 1938. Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt Hyde Park Dutchess County, N.Y. Dear Franklin: Yours of Sept. 30th containing deed executed by you to Mrs. Backer and deed from Mrs. Backer to you and copies of Lent letters received. I have sent the deed executed by you back to Washington to have a Clerk's certificate attached showing the authority of the Notary Public to take the acknowledgement. Hatfield has just handed to me a deed executed by Deane Lent and wife to him of their interest in the wood lot, which I am having recorded.I have had Hatfield execute a deed of this property to you, which I am holding in the safe until we are ready to record it. D'Luhosch drove stakes in the ground marking the line from the northeast corner of the Lent wood lot to the southeast corner of the Dumphy farm. I think more substantial markers should be put in their places before they are knocked out. Tomorrow, I will look up the question of the acreage of the Jones property and also the whereabouts of the other Lents and write you. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, Henry T. Hackett |