Hyde Park, N.Y., October 6, 1938. Dear Henry:- Thank you for yours of the fifth. I think as the 1937 deed from me to Mrs. Backer has a $9.00 stamp attached, both of these new deeds should have the same amount because the consideration in each case is in land of the same value as the original sale. In regard to the taxes on her land and mine, I think they should all of them be prorated -- in other words, she should pay the taxes on her part of the Dumphy farm from November,1937,to October, 1938, and I should pay the taxes on the Jones place from the date of the transfer to me to the date of the transfer to her. If she has to pay any amount on the Jones place subsequent to October, 1938, her share would be on twenty-seven acres and mine would be on twenty-two acres. I forget when the tax year ends but I assume it to be December 31, 1938. I am enclosing check for $300.00 to meet current taxes, the insurace premiums and the D'Luhosch survey. I also enclose check for $200.00 to reimburse you for the amount paid Deane Lent for his deed. |