Text Version

                                           Oct. 24th, 1938.
Mrs. George Backer
944 Fifth Avenue
New York City, N.Y.
My dear Mrs. Backer:
                    This morning I recorded the deed from 
President Roosevelt to you of part of the Jones property and
the deed from you to the President. The President will pay
the school tax on the Dumphy farm, which amounts to $53.98 plus
5%, but he expects you to pay one-half of the school tax on the
Jones property which amounts to $10.20.
                     The school tax on the Schaffer farm
amounts to $40.91. Will you kindly send me a check to the order
of Laura W. Coapman, collector, for $51.11 to pay the school taxes
on the Schaffer farm and on half of the Jones property.
                     I will have Mr. Luckey cancel the fire
insurance policy on the Dumphy House and issue a new one for
the President.
                     I will have the Graham Agency, which
holds the fire insurance on the old house and barn on that part of
the Jones property which you have purchased, cancel the old
policy and issue a new one in your name. At present there is $750.
on the old house and $250. on the old barn, making $1,000. in
                      At present, William Birch is occupying
the house on the Jones property. He is over eighty years of age
and has a dog and a few chickens. He has been allowed to stay
there in order to avoid paying vacancy insurance on the house and
I think it would bejust as well to let him stay there this
Winter. He has no income except a small amount from the Relief 
Administrator and now and then he works out by the day.
                       If you will please send me a check to
pay the school taxes and the old fire insurance policy on
the Dumphy farm, I will attend to them, and as soon as the deed
has been recorded and returned to me, I will send it to you with
the deed of the Schaffer farm and a statement of all the other
                         Very truly yours,
                    (signed) Henry T. Hackett
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