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                HENRY    T.    HACKETT
                   226 UNION STREET
                POUGHKEEPSIE,  NEW YORK
                                      Nov. 14th, 1938.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D. C.
Dear Franklin:
     Saturday afternoon I looked over the situation at the
Tompkins place and found that the driven well and cesspool
are very close to each other in the old Tompkins garden
across the road from the Tompkins house. It would seem that
the cheapest way would be to drive a well on the same side
of the road as the Tompkins house and if this cannot be
done, to connect the Tompkins house with the Artesian well
in the building occupied by Mrs. Johannessen.      There is
an old well across the road from the Tompkins house which
could be used, but would have to be cleaned out, covered
over and a pipe put down under the road.
    Jacobs was here this morning and said that he would be
willing to reduce his price from $14,000. to $12,000. for
his farm between the Rohan farm and the Schaffer farm now
owned by Mrs. Backer.
    Kindly let me know what you want done about the well on
the Tompkins place as there are now two families occupying the
Tompkins house and paying rent.
    With kindeat regards, I am
                  Sincerely yours,
                  Henry T. Hackett
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