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                    HENRY T. HACKETT                        
              ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW                   
                     226 UNION STREET
                 POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK
Dec. 19th, 1938.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt 
The White House 
Washington, D. C.
Dear Franklin:
         I acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 9th 
instant containing check for $200. to my order to reimburse 
me for that amount paid to John DeWitt Lent; also leases 
signed by you with Arnold Berge and Christian Bie.
         I will have these leases signed by Berge and Bie as
soon as possible.
         Feller has finished drilling the well at the
Tompkins house and Mrs. Johannessen has just told me that the
plumber has connected it with the water system in the house.
         Peter C. Rohan paid today his installment of rent 
amounting to $250. which is due this month.
          With kindest regards and best wishes for a Happy 
Christmas and New Year, I am
                      Sincerely yours,
                      Henry T. Hackett
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