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John M. Hackett
Attorney and Counselor
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
226 Union Street
                                      December 22nd 1938
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt,
White House,
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr President:
     Thank you for your letter of the 19th and for the care
and interest you have taken in my own personal troubles.
     My appeal is very earnest.    I am certain that as soon
as the City takes title to the old P.O.site the same old
gang whose ambition is to tear down John Hackett's law office
will at once start an enlargement agitation of the building
and the site, Anything to accomplish its purpose.   To do
so they will, as usual, use good and well intentioned
people as mouthpieces, who of course will not know what is
behind the scenes.
     I respectfully suggest that the U.S.convey to a private
business concern and stipulate in the deed by proper
reservations that the present width of sidewalk shall always
be maintained and that no building shall ever encroach thereon.
     Your idea of a museum or park is splendid, but thirty
years of experience in this City has taught me that an enlargement
agitation will start at once.
     With best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year believe me
                  Very sincerely yours
                   John M. Hackett
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