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                         HENRY T. HACKETT
                  ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW
                        226 UNION STREET
                 POUGHKEEPSIE.       NEW YORK
                                        Dec. 6th, 1938.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Franklin:
Replying to a letter just received from
Miss LeHand, in reference to the leases I sent you on Nov.
4th with Christian Bie and Arnold Berge, I have had them
rewritten and am enclosing them herewith.
           Christian Bie has paid the November and 
December rent. I have not received anything from Arnold
           Feller is drilling a well alongside the
Tompkins house. I think he has been delayed considerably by
the rain and snow.
           We have acquired another one-sixth of 
the title to the Lent wood lot by a deed from John DeWitt 
Lent and wife of Peru, Ill. We now have two-sixths, or 
one-third, of the title. I have had Hatfield write to 
Theodore DeWitt Lent, a son of Theodore DeWitt Lent, deceased,
Highland Park, Ill., to ascertain if he is the only heir of
his father.
           Will you kindly send me $200. to reimburse 
me for that amount which I paid to John DeWitt Lent.
           With kindest regards, I am
                        Sincerely yours,
                        Henry T. Hackett
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