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                     1939 PAYMENTS
Jan. 24th, 1939   Ralph A. Simmons, Collector,
                   Geberal taxes                  $ 1,286.92
Jan. 24th, 1939   Frederick W. Lovelace, Collector
                   Gen'l. taxes on Pleasant
                   Valley wood lot                      8.77
Mar. 29th, 1939   Vail & Sutton, insurance premiums
                  on farm purchased from Rohan        107.66
Oct. 2nd, 1939    Harold A. Pink, Collector.
                   School taxes on Creek Road
                   land, Newbold farm, Rights of
                   Way, house and lot Violet Ave.
                   Farm and road stand land, and
                   Hughson farm                       579.39
Oct. 4th, 1939    Harry Franz, Collector,
                  School taxes on Pleasant Valley
                  lot                                   3.64
Oct.23rd, 1939    Laura W. Coapman, Collector.    
                  School taxes
                   On vacant land     $3.03
                   On Dutchess Hill  130.29
                   On farm           151.50
                   On Jones farm      21.21
Nov.l7th, 1939    W.W. Luckey, public
                    liability insurance               153.71
                                                  $ 2,446.12
Received in cash              $ 3,058.10
Payments                        2,446.12
CASH BALANCE 12-31-39..       $   611.98
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