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                                     May 14, 1931.
Dear Henry:-
          There is only one thing I have not got. Could 
you help me?
          Hall agreed to pay the additional amount of 
taxes caused by his operations -- i.e., the buildings on 
the Dunphy farm, west of Violet Avenue, and the alteration 
on the barn on the Hughson farm. The Hughson farm taxes, 
according to yours of February 20th, are $157.89. Am I right
in saying that this is no increase over the 1939 taxes? If 
this is true, Hall owes me nothing on that.
          I understand from your letter that the taxes on 
the Dunphy farm, west of Violet Avenue, are $210.53. That 
represents an undoubted increase over 1939. Can you let me 
know the amount of this increase? That would be what Hall 
must reimburse me for.
                              Always sincerely,
                              Franklin Roosevelt
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