September 23, 1941. MEMORANDUM FOR HENRY T, HACKETT Enclosed are my tax bills for the School-Taxes, Town of Hyde Park. Will you be good enough to pay them? Have you enough money on hand? I notice one bill for a special assessment (No. 865) for right of way $900.00 -- amount of tax $13.95. This is the rough lane leading east from Violet Avenue on the north boundary of the Dunphy farm. It is not a right of way, as it leeds to no barn or house -only to a lot of pine trees. It was set up originally as a right of way when Mrs.Backer purchased the lend east of Val Kill Creek on the Dunphy farm -- land which was re-sold to me when she bought the east end of the pig man's farm. I think that we might ask the assessors to remove this assessment and perhaps merge it with the rest of the Dunphy farm tax on an acreage basis and not as a right of way, which no longer exists. F. D. R. |