Text Version

                                 Oct. 14, 1941.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D. C.
Dear Franklin:
             I acknowledge receipt of your memorandum of 
October llth, containing the following insurance policies:
1. No. 2042 issued by the Fidelity & Guaranty Fire Corp.
   covering The Dumphy farm house, in the amount of 
   $2,000., premium $37. for three years.Expires 
   Oct. 24, 1944.
2. " 31328 issued by The Home Ins. Co. covering The Dumphy
   farm house in the amount of $2,500. and $850. 
   covering the adjoining ski factory building,premium 
   $99.59. Expires Oct. 24, 1944.
3. " 294828 issued by The Home Ins. Co. covering 47-49 East
    65th St., New York City in the amount of $80,000., 
    premium $200. Expires Oct. 16, 1944.
                                          Sincerely yours,
                                          Henry Hackett
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