O'CONNOR & FARBER BASIL O'CONNER COUNSELORS AT lAW JOHN C. FARBER 120 BROADWAY ARNOLD T. KOCH NEW YOrK 5, N.Y. HENRY K. URION WILLIAM f. SNYDER KENNETH L.HOFFMAN EARLE R.KOONS LEWIS D. SPENCER November 13, 1945 Re: Estate of Franklin D. Roosevelt Henry T. Hackett, Esq. 226 Union Street Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Dear Mr. Hackett: Enclosed herewith for your files are conformed copies of - 1. Letter agreement dated November 5, 1945 with H. R. Harmer,Inc. covering the sale of the Stamp Collection, signed by the three Executors and accepted by H. R. Harmer, Inc. 2. Letter dated November 9, 1945 from H. R. Harmer, Inc. clarifing, certain details in connection with the agreement. 3. Letter dated November 5, 1945 addressed by the three Executors to the Director of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library authorizing the removal of the Stamp Collection by H. R. Harner Inc. Confirming our telephone conversation of this morning, I have arranged with H. R. Harmer, Inc. to accompany their representatives to Hyde Park on Thursday morning, NOvember 15, for the purpose of arranging to pick up the Stamp Collection for shipment to New York. We expect to leave New York by automobile shortly before 9:00 o, clock and should arrive at your office about ll:O0 o'clock that morning. It seems that you are elected to formally hand over the Collection to H. R. Harrmer, Inc. on behalf of the Estate. If Mr. Harmer, after his arrival at Hyde Park, is of the opinion that the Job of opening the Collection and sorting it can be done Thursday afternoon in New York, I understand that you will come along back to New York with us for that purpose. If it can't be done satisfactorily Thursday afternoon, I have arranged with Mr. Harmer for both of us to go to the Harmer offices on Monday morning. This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November |