October 26, 1945 ESTATE OF FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT Memorandum to the Exectuors Re Papers and Files Requested by Senate House Joint Committee Investigating Pearl Harbor Disaster I conferred yesterday, Ocotber 25, 1945, at 10:00 A.M. at the Exectutive Offices at the White House with Maurice C.Latta, the WHite HOuse Executive Clerk and G. A. Gessell,Esq. , Assistant to William D. Mitchell, counsel for the Senate House Committee of ten nvestigating the Pearl harbor disaster. The prupose of the conference, which was hedl at hte request of Mr. latta, was to consider the request made by the investigating committee to President Truman for permission to examine the papers and files of the late PResident Roosevelt. Mr.s Gessel stated that he was unable to specify particularly what papers and files were needed but that generally what the Commitee wnated was anything in the files to show what knowledge, if any, President Roosevelt had of the imminece of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the opening of hostilities in the Pacific. Because the ultimate ownership of Mr.s Roosevelt's papers and files had not definatly been determined, President Truman's advisors have come to the conclusion that the permission of the Executors should be obtained before any of President Roosevelt's files were made available. I stated that the Executors were willing to fully cooperate with the COmmittee and make available all |