-7- under pain of being again interned. In most cases they have signed an impossible undertaking. When the recent action started, few knew what imprisonment meant. A number, however, committed suicide, others hid in the woods, some went to a friendly doctor and had their stomach opened so as to be in hospital. One man, who considers that he has had a lucky escape, was roused at 4.30 on tim fateful day and his wife answered the bell. When she saw the S.S. guards she became hysterical. He went to her assistance. He was knocked down and kicked in the mouth. He lost some ten teeth and had his jaw broken. He bravely demanded to see the order for his arrest. The guards went to fetch this, and in the meantime he was able to gain admittance to a hospital with his broken jaw. It is rumoured that another drive against the Jews is imminent in January, and the 16th of that month is given as the date of the proposed fresh action, It is anticipated that on this occasion also Jewish women will be placed in the concentration camps, Jews have been warned by their friends, who claim to have inside information, to get out of Germany before that date. Further concentration camps are being built by the "Arbeitsdienst" to house some of the victims of the centersplated drive. As far as it is possible, to mitigate the plight of the Jews in Germany, the policy-indicated at present is not "women and children first", but men first; they are in the concentration camps and in imminent danger of death and / |