Text Version

 (1)  The Nazi Party.
 (2)  Nazi sympathizers who by their words or deeds
materially aided or abetted the Nazi program.
 (3)  The Junkers.
 (4)  Military and Naval officers.
G.  Junker Estates.
All Junker estates should be broken up and divided among 
the peasants and the system of primogeniture and entail
should be abolished.
H.  Prohibition on Emigration.
 (1)  A Proclamation shall be issued prohibiting any person 
resident in Germany from leaving or attempting to leave Germany, 
except with permission from the Allied Military Government.
 (2)  Violation of this Proclamation shall be an offense
triable by military commissions of the Allied Military Government
and heavy penalties shall be prescribed, including death.
 (3)  All possible steps shall be taken by the military 
authorities to prevent any such person from leaving (without 
Henry Morgenthau
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