Text Version

North-Western part of "Greater Berlin"
(districts of Reinickendorf, Wedding, Tiergarten, Charlottenberg,
Spandau, Wilmersdorf, will be occupied by the forces of ------
Southern part of "Greater Berlin"
(districts of Zehlendorf, Steglitz, Schoneberg, Kreuzberg, Tempelhof,
Neukolln) will be occupied by the forces of ------
The boundaries of districts within Greater Berlin" referred to in
the forgoing descriptions, are those which existed after the coming
into effect of the decree published on 27th March, 1938 (Amtsblatt
der Reichshauptstadt Berlin No. 13 of 27th March, 1938, page 215).
3.  The occupying forces in each of the three zones into which
Germany is divided will be under a Commander-in Chief designated
by the Government of the country whose occupying that zone.
4.  Each of the three powers may, at its discretion, include 
among the forces assigned to occupation duties under the 
command of its Commander-in-Chief, auxilary contingents from
the forces of any other Allied Power which has participated 
in military operations against Germany.
5.  An Inter-Allied Governing Authority (Komendatura)
consisting of three Commandants, appointed by their respective
Commanders-in-Chief, will be established to direct jointly the 
administration of the "Greater Berlin" area.
6.  This protocol has been drawn up in triplicate in the 
Russian and English languages.  Bothe texts are authentic.  
The protocol will come into force on the signature by Germany
of the Instrument of Unconditional Surrender.
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