Telegram sent off from London in the morning of August 27th, 1940 1. Naval. Mediterranean. During the night of August 23rd/24th five destroyers successfully attacked seaplane base at Bombs, and 2 ships bombarded shore targets and troop concentrations at Bardia. Light forces have carried out a sweep East of Crete but no encounters with enemy vessels have been reported. On August 22nd a 14 inch gun mounted in the vicinity of Dover replied to German fire from French coast. Our firing was only preliminary and no attempt at a serious bombardment was made;after a few round had been fired, 50 hostile aircraft took off and our spotting aeroplane was recalled. 2. Royal Air Force. During the night of August 24th/25th an Italian air component factory was successfully located and attacked, medium bombers also bombed 16 enemy aerodromes, a particularly heavy attack being made against Dinard aerodrome. The gun emplacements at Cap Griz Nez were also bombed. A heavy scale attack by heavy bombers was made against Daimler Benz factory at Stuttgart where large explosion was caused. Other primary targets which were bombed were |