dropped; considerable damage private property, some damage to the railway and public services; casualties slight. Paddockwood, minor damage to rolling stock and permanent way. Caterham over 50 H. E. dropped, only slight casualties. Croydon, factory previously mentioned again hit;considerable damage also to gas mains. Southwest London latest report gives casualties as 12 killed and 40 major injuries. Night of August 18th to 19th spasmodic bombing chiefly in open districts. No material damage and no casualties reported. Yesterday morning, enemy appeared chiefly engaged on air reconnaissance. Raiding started in the afternoon, but was carried out by single aircraft, mainly on targets of a military nature. Two salvos of 8 bombs hit Admiralty oil depot at Pembroke dock 8 out of 12 tanks were set on fire but fire was under control early this morning. Some damage was caused to buildings at Naval Aircraft Station at Worthydown and a smithy at Chatham dockyard was wrecked. At a training aerodrome 3 Wellingtons were destroyed on the ground. Two other aerodromes were attacked, at one of which some civilian casualties were caused at the other heavy damage was done to barrack buildings, 3 aircraft were damaged and craters were caused on aerodrome. Some damage was done to Motments at Dover, where 6 sailors and a soldier were killed and several wounded. |