-3- 5. Shipping casualties. One British ship (6,700 tons) sunk by enemy air attacks in Moray Firth and another set on fire. Three ships attacked by aircraft in St. George's Channel without result. 6. Convoy of 29 ships including 24 British has arrived in United Kingdom ports. Convoy includes 3 tankers, 4 cargoes of grain, and 8 of pit-props. 7. Libya . On night of August 21st-22rid one British aircraft destroyed 6 enemy sea planes at Bomba seaplane base. August 22nd successful attacks made on 70 aircraft at M1 adam and on shipping and aircraft at Derna. All our aircraft returned. There is no evidence of preparations for launching of major offensive for Libya within next 3 or 4 weeks. 8. East Africa . August 2nd (? 22nd) our aircraft attacked Massawa, Wells and enemy position south of Moyale and aerodromes. 9. Enemy aircraft bombed Alexandria on night of August 22nd-23rd causing little damage and no casualties. 10. Enemy aircraft approached Malta on August 23rd but made no attack. |