-2-. place over the channel and North Sea, and the majority of our fighter aircraft were directed against these aircraft for the protection of shipping. One enemy bomber was probably destroyed and two others damaged. Six enemy aircraft operated inland, and Crewe was bombed, one war factory being damaged, but not seriously. 9. During the night of December 29th/30th an intense but comparatively short attack was made on London by about 140 enemy aircraft. Attack developed from 18.00 hours to 22.00 hours. Main attack concentrated on the City and practically the whole area from St. Pauls to the Guildhall and from the Guildhall to Finsbury was set on fire. The roof of the Guildhall was destroyed and St. Lawrence Jewry Church gutted. Various key points including docks were affected but details not yet available. Up to the present the number of casualties reported is remarkably small. lO. Aircraft casualties in the above operations over and from the British Isles. Enemy: one bomber probably destroyed, 2 bombers damaged. British: two heavy bombers missing. In assessing comparative results it will be appreciated the summaries of casualties do not include enemy night bomber casualties approaching or returning from this country. |