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Telegram received from London 
dated January 8th, 1941
      Night of 6th/7th, bombers attacked Tripoli and one large merchant 
      vessel was hit amidships. Explosion followed and smaller vessel 
      probably hit.
2. Reported that Northern ports of Gulf of Bothnia closed 
      thick ice but Southern ports being kept open by ice breakers.
3. Danish fjords are frozen up, no longer navigable ice breakers 
      out of coal.
4. Assessment of damage done to enemy aircraft by ships' gunfire 
      up to December 31st, 1940, from the beginning of the war 193 
      destroyed 91 probable 105 damaged, of these His Majesty's ships 
      and auxiliaries accounted for 151 destroyed 79 probable and 72 
      The following Italian formations have been captured at Bardia:-
      62nd Division, remainder of 63rd Division (this Division had 
      already sustained heavy casualties previously) 1st (March 23rd) 
      Blackshirt Division and 2nd (October 28th) Blackshirt Division 
      less one Legion.
Royal Air Force 
      Night of 7th/8th. Bad weather - operations cancelled.
      On January 6th 9 Blenheims successfully attacked Valona.
German Air Force 
      January 7th. Single enemy aircraft were active during the day 
      over Eastern Countries and 8 Royal 
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