7. January llth. Nine medium bombers operating singly attacked shipping in Dutch harbours and off the coast. One is missing. 8. Night of 11/12. Forty-seven aircraft were sent out - 36 to attack docks and Tirpitz at Wilhelmshaven and ll to Royal Arsenal at Turin; in addition five heavy bombers were sent mine laying. 9. LIBYA. Hurricanes maintained offensive patrols over Tobruk area throughout January 10th. They shot down one enemy fighter and destroyed six others on the ground with machine gun fire. 10. ERITREA . Night of 9/10. Our bombers attacked Italian workship and aircraft repair depot - several fires were started. 11. ETHIOPIA. On January 9th six of our aircraft dive-bombed an Italian landing ground and destroyed two machines on the ground and probably destroyed a third. 12 GERMAN AIR FORCE. Night of 11/12. About 105 enemy aircraft made a short concentrated attack pn London. 13. Aircraft casualties in operations over and from British Isles. Enemy:1 probably by Anti-aircraft night ll/12 · British: 1 bomber missing. 14. 11th. H0ME SECURITY. Night of 11/12. Attack on London lasted about three hours and both high explosives and incendiary bombs were dropped in more than 50 districts; fires were started but were quickly |