TELEGRAM RECEIVED FROM LONDON DATED JANUARY 13th, 1941 NAVAL On 12th coastal aircraft made the following attacks. 0ne 4,000 tons merchant vessel at entrance to Songe Fiord - attacked by fighters, prevented observation results but smoke came from stern of the ship. Another ship of 4,600 tons in the same area a torpedo missed ahead but one bomb hit the after end of the ship. On 2,000 tons merchant vessel off Borkum a torpedo missed but bombs were dropped which may have hit. 2. Convoy of 31 ships has just arrived without loss from Sierra Leone. 3. "Emerald" was attacked by aircraft off Lizard on the night of the 12th/13th, superficial damage from near misses. 4. The "Adventure" was machine gunned the previous night off the west coast no serious damage or casualties. 5. ROYAL AIR FORCE. Night of 12th/13th. 79 aircraft were sent out; 30 to Brest (German cruiser) 24 to aerodromes and shipping in occupied France, 7 to Venice {oil target) 2 to arsenal at Turin and 4 to an oil target in Germany, 3 more were sent to drop leaflets in occupied France. One bomber missing. 6. LIBYA. On 9th/lOth 4 Hurricanes In the course of offensive patrols shot down 7 enemy airclaft and destroyed one on the ground without loss. On |