Telegram from London dated March 19th. 1941. On March 8th the German battle cruisers "Scharnhorst" and "Gneisenau" approached one of our convoys north of Cape de Verde island but on seeing our battleship escort retreated. On the morning of the 15th our shipping which was returning independently to America was attacked by them at a point about five hundred miles south-east of Newfoundland where owing to Fog on the Great Banks the shipping is at this season compelled to concentrate. Several ships were sunk by gun fire. 2. The attack was renewed on the sixteenth near the same area where three more ships were sunk. In the evening one enemy warship with a tanker in company was sighted by one of our battleships guarding a convoy continuously before dark but was lost sight of as night fell. The presence of these battle cruisers so far to the west of the thirtieth meridian is the latest phase in the battle of the Atlantic. While these powerful raiders are our the whole of our available battleship strength has to be employed on escorting convoys but there are many ships on the seas with no protection. 3. The enemy appears to have based himself on the central areas of the North Atlantic where he maintained his supply ships and from thence he carried out raids against our various routes. This central area is almost unknown water to us today because with the multiplicity of calls on our limited resources for convoy escort we have no vessels to spare to round up hostile supply ships and search the areas. Moreover against these two battle cruisers our light forces would be thrown away. 4./ |