TELEGRAM RECEIVED FROM LONDON DATED APRIL 3rd, 1941. 1. Naval. "Worcestershire" escorting convoy about 680 miles west of Bloody Foreland torpedoed 0444 April 3rd. She proceeded to N.N.E. at slow speed. Three ships this convoy torpedoed earlier in the night. On April 2nd we lost one armed trawler bombed off St. Abb's Head. 2. "Prince Henry" A.M.C. intercepted on April 1st west of Callao German Muncros and Hermonthis. Both set on fire by crews. Salvage unlikely. British submarine has sunk 3,645 tons of Italian merchant ships and a U-boat in central Mediterranean. 3. "Scharnhorst", "Gneisenau" still at Brest April 3rd. Coastal aircraft on April 2nd sank 3,000 tons of escorted merchant ships off Hook of Holland and later dropped four bombs on either merchant ship or auxiliary off Norderney. 4.Two Italian destroyers sunk by naval aircraft off Port Sudan morning of April 3rd. 5. Military. Libya. Up to 1.30 p.m. April 2nd. Our advanced units attacked April 1st by a column of a German Armoured Division. Some of our forward posts were overrun and our troops are withdrawing to a position north of Agedabia. 6. Bulgaria. Estimated twenty complete German Divisions in Bulgaria, including four armoured. Distribution of six S.W. six Centre 8 S.E. facing Turkey. |