TELEGRAM FROM LONDON DATED April 8th, 1941 NAVAL Photographic reconnaissance on April 7th showed 2 German battle cruisers still at Breast and 2 pocket battleships and 2 Hipper class cruisers at Kiel. 2. As a result of fire His Majesty's Armed Merchant Cruiser "Comorin" abandoned and sunk. Ships company taken off. 3. During air raid Piraeus night of April 6th/7th, 3 ships hit by bombs and mines laid. British ship of 7,500 tons blew up whilst alongside starting many fires. Some ships burnt and severe damage caused to dock area. Port will be closed several days. 4. His Majesty's Cruiser "Cape Town" torpedoed by E. boat off Massawa night of April 7th reported still afloat. 5. Attacks on shipping. British Tanker (8,250 tons) mined off East coast early the 8th and reported, sinking and British ship (1,750 tons) reported 2.15 p.m. 7th rapidly sinking 125 miles off Freetown. 6. Military. GREECE. To 9:15 p.m. April 6th. German advance from Nevrokop towards Drama held up but enemy gained some ground west of Rupel. Position east of Struma reported intact. 200 German parachutists landed south of Rupel; all killed or captured. Situation Komotin and X. Sectors obscure. 7. YUGO-SLAVIA. Yugoslavs reported advancing into Bulgarian |